Wednesday, June 30, 2010

YAWN! once again new blog

There are 2 things which are real and will happen in any case in this world. 1) Production of Porn Movies 2) a new registration for a new blog after every 2-3 months by a dumb guy named Ashish Dixit. Of course that’s me. Well I know I shouldn’t start my brand new blog with the introduction by referring Porn, but try to understand problem of a poor guy. In this country called India only 2 things get enough business, 1) Shahrukh Khan( see My name is Khan, movie was yuck, in fact people cried because of the poor script and direction but movie become instant hit because of SRK factor). 2) Sex or say porn industry (visit to any city in India, you will find more people at these movie theatre than at multiplex. ;))

Well after this poor introduction, I am once again blank. Not because I have nothing to write but because I have too much to write. I don’t know from where should I start. Should I start once again by bashing Congressi government and ministers for all those mis-happenings happenings in India, or should I start commenting on latest Kashmir issue which was started by separatists to bake their own breads on the name of Kashmir, or should I start writing with those C-grades yet with A grades actors movie which are disturbing my nerves and looting hard-earned money of people, or should I....................... These dots represents that I have too much to write but not a will to write.

They say reading and writing makes a complete MAN. I seriously don’t know who THEY are but they say it, and I read about it here and there. That’s why I always try to read too much. Did I flaunt that I bought books worth 4670rs in last month (as usual these bills were converted into the expenses of CNG gas for my car, thanks to the recent petro product price hike). In writing I only once wrote in AWA section of GRE exam. Needless to say, I got poor marks. Hence I am now once again trying to “FOCUS” on writing as much possible. Thanks to the news and other relevant things now I have enough things to write.

Did I anywhere mention that I am applying at US universities for Spring session 2011. I know it would be hard for me as well for my parents, but I wasn’t left with more options. And I am not a guy who waits and watch to get things better. I do whatever I could do to make my life better. You may call me egocentric but sometime one has to take some tough decisions. I only know what kind of mental pressure I am going through now a days. Sometimes I simply ignore sad face of my lovely mother because that look may affect my decision, I try to avoid my father’s calls so that I would not have to tell him that yes after 6 months he will not have me for those tiffs, for all those stupid advices which I always try to give him in his business irrespective of the fact that he is in this industry for last 26 years and I have only read few books and have ignorable work experience.
I never knew that I would write anything sentimental on my blog, thats too on first post. Sometime your heart speaks better language than your mind. Sometime your heart follows your mind blindly just for the sake of something positive.
I am ending my first official post with a promise to come back on it asap. Let’s hope. Remember hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. Yeah yeah you movie buff, this dialogue has been copied from Shawshank Redemption. Subh-Ratri for today.

Mr. Ashish Dixit